Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure

1.  Parent / Guardian has to call in to book an interview session for their wards. A written assessment will be conducted for new entrants applying for Kindergarten to JHS after the interview.

2.  Evaluations are done after the assessment.

3.  Full payment for the enrollment is completed.

4.  Parent / Guardian has to visit the administration to present the proof of payment and collect the admission forms.

5.  Parent / Guardian should ensure they return the completed admission forms together with the other admission documents required. Please note that admission is only deemed acquired when the forms are submitted.

6.  Admission letter will be made available to your ward

Admission policy

  • Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Placement in crèche and Nursery is based on the age and educational background of the student.
  • Placement in Kindergarten to Grade 7 is strictly based on written assessment and evaluations to ascertain what the applicant’s academic strengths and weaknesses are.
  • It is the sole responsibility and mandate for the school’s management to make the final decision concerning the placement of a student after his/her assessment.

Other Documents required for admisssion

1.  Previous school’s records ( at least 2 terms)

2. Proof of payment of Full enrollment fees

3. One (1) passport size picture

4. Copies of;

  1. Birth Certificate 
  2. Personal details on the weighing booklet
  3. Vaccinations in weighing booklet